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Mary Phillips Design Framed Art

Mary Phillips Design Framed Art

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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 8 x 10 framed painting is the quintessential birthday gift, co-worker gift, bridesmaid gift, graduation gift, or gift for yourself! Whether adorning one's home, office, or dorm room, this little piece of art says it all.  If you have a strong, accomplished female in your life this is a must-have! I love giving a custom gift that fits my friends' personalities. There is probably a quote that describes each one of your girlfriends, family, or co-workers to a T. You will get the best reaction of smiles and laughter when they open!! All you beautiful brides can knock out your bridesmaid gifts with this sassy painting series too! The best part is seeing their expression and reaction; you are sure to have given them something unique that they will cherish forever. Each 8 x 10 painting is signed and comes ready for wall or shelf display. 

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